

来源: 搜楼选址


项目背景Project Backgroud建斐设计团队于2020年初参与设计吴兴路277项目,本项目位于上海市徐汇区吴兴路277号,地处徐家汇CBD和原法租界交界处。业主希望能挖掘项目的潜在价值,包括商业价值和历史人文价值,为上海城市创建原法租界新地标和符合时代生活方式的新型海派社区,为新时代消费者营造高品质的商业消费和休闲氛围。GreenbergFarrow team participated in the design of the 277 Wuxing Road project in early...


Project Backgroud



GreenbergFarrow team participated in the design of the 277 Wuxing Road project in early 2020. The project is located at No. 277 Wuxing Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, at the junction of Xujiahui CBD and the former French Concession,our client hopes to explore the potential value of the project through commercial, historical & cultural values. The aim is to create a new landmark in former French Concession and a new Shanghai-style community that suits nowadays lifestyle, and create high-quality commercial consumption and leisure destination for consumers.




With an above ground area of 18466 sqm, it consists of four buildings, 3 buildings has changed into mixed use function and 1 for car parking use. This complex has not been renovated for many years, the project itself has many challenges, including the existing structure, MEP and HVAC etc., which made this renovation very complicated.

We call it as a renovation project but it actually requires a significant alteration throughout the buildings, the following photos shows the previous building condition before the renovation.





Although the original building has undergone several reconstructions and additions according to the needs of economic development, it has never been able to find its role in the community, street or even the French Concession to which it belongs. The contribution to the community is also obviously not enough. Architecture serves as a"container" for people's activities. We hope to use this renovation opportunity to build it into a richer and more interesting"container". Let the existing buildings truly "resurrect",while bringing stable economic benefits to the owners, keeping up with the development of the community, and take greater responsibilities in the community, bringing fresh vitality to the community, and becoming a landmark in the former French Concession Region.




During our design process, our designers took advantage of the main building,which is one meter below grade compare to the outdoor building, to create a sunken open city block. Part of the space is completely opened on the facade and double-storey high spaces have been created internally. In the end, the original floor height difference was used to reshape a spatial form with a sense of belonging and freshness at the same time.




Using BIM system at the same time to make the entire design more transparent and improves the communication efficiency with the owners, structures, and equipment consultants. The building has undergone several renovations, the main existing building floor to floor height were quite low, our solution is to reconstruct the floor levels to meet the required floor height and with the purpose of retaining the original structure, the use of the structural reinforcement method of adding hanging columns increases the degree of freedom in the layout of the space. It is convenient to open the floor slab partially, reducing the sense of depression in the indoor space.






After the renovation, part of the building complex will transform into office use, our design team made full use of the central courtyards, rooftop and terraces to create outdoor open spaces and expecting to attract entrepreneur creative companies as well as white collar workers. The commercial part naturally enclosed into a small central courtyard facing the street and open to the outside world. The central courtyard will provide activity space for the community, temporary commercial activities also can be held by the operator. The facade, interior and landscape design all showed the high respect of Shanghai Former French concession culture and reserved the industrial relics of the silk textile factory of Jindu building.


业主:Collab, Infrared




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